About Me

I’m homegrown—born, raised, and continuing to live in the growing city of Edinburg. Since my graduation from Edinburg North High School in 2001, I wanted to work with books. Writing them, editing them, or finding a job at a library, it didn’t matter—words were companions I never wanted to abandon.

I attended the University of Texas, Pan American (UTPA), majoring in English with a stress in contemporary literature and creative writing. I studied under René Saldaña Jr. (The Jumping Tree, The Whole Sky Full of Stars), José Skinner (Flight and Other Stories), Emmy Perez (Solstice), and Richard Yañez (Cross Over Water, El Paso Del Norte). While creative writing is my foundation, over the years I published articles in local alternative newspaper and wrote for a pornographic website (an experience I still look fondly upon). I published a short story, “David,” in the 2006 issue of Gallery, UTPA’s student literary magazine.

I’m employed at a local library, where I find myself surrounded by books everyday. I’m the father of a magnificent child who leaves me in awe with all he does. Despite my uncertainty of what lies ahead, so long as I have my son and my writing, there is no obstacle I cannot overcome.

6 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I read your post about your baby boy but I can’t seem to locate the comment box under it. Anyway, this is just to extend my warmest congratulations! Cheers, buddy! =)

    1. Yeah, a while back I changed the settings to my comments. After 14 days, they close. It keeps spambots from commenting on old posts and cluttering my inbox. But, then, it screws over my real readers. I’m sorry about that.

  2. I’ve read through lots of your blog. I use to tell you that I didn’t really, but the truth is I looked you up and started reading your blog right after you first mentioned it. (On whisper I think…???) I started at the beginning, and read as far as I could, until I got caught. I knew some of your stories before you told them to me, but I still enjoyed hearing them. We had crazy long conversations, that ended too quickly. They actually don’t seem like they were all that long now. You made me laugh and I cried to you about a bunch of bull. For that I want to thank you. I still check in from time to time, but I try not to. I’m just reminded of how much I’m sure I’ve hurt you. For that I want to apologize. I’ve even thought of showing up at your work just to see if I could muster up some courage to confront you and be a decent human being. Our friendship means (meant?) a lot to me. I never expected it to grow so much. You’ve definitely had an impact on my life and where I am now. I hate that I became just another letdown for you. I never wanted to be. Please, don’t hate me.

  3. Hi! My name is Daarina and I’m a producer for the new talk show “Unapologetic with Aisha Tyler.” I noticed you’re a huge fan of Leeta from Dietland! I’d love to speak with you more about possibly asking her a question live on air! Email me at [redacted] for more details!

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