
Review: ‘Deep Hole’ by Don Winslow, performed by Ed Harris


Rating: 4 out of 5.


I will forever hear Ed Harris’ voice when reading a Don Winslow novel from here on out (though, I’ll be honest, I’ve only read Savages because the movie looked interesting. Spoiler: the novel was miles better than the movie, though it had its moment). 

I picked up Deep Hole because I needed something to listen to while I work on my rare book preservation project (it’s not as interesting as it sounds). It was only an hour and change and it’s packed with intense moments, which I’ve come to expect from Winslow’s works (you know, because I only read the one book). Ed Harris’ voice was also a plus side. (It’s also available for free to those with an Audible subscription.) 

Winslow uses his ability to pace the story, spending an hour of our time putting us in the midst of the story without wasting a single second. The story follows two characters: Eddie, a surfer who owes a lot of money to a Godfather-type mob boss, and Chris, the mob boss’s nephew who acts as his bookie. In a short time period, Winslow is able to give us a deep insight on the lives of two characters, the relationships with others in their lives, and with themselves. He sets up a bleak, almost grimy visual in our minds with his description that it’s not different from watching a classic mafia movie. And Ed Harris is the perfect choice for narrator as his voice illustrates the mood and tone of the short story. 

As I wrote this review, I learned that there are a few more Audible Original stories written by Winslow with Harris’ narration that are also available to Audible subscribers. Until next time, keep on huntin’. 

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