
Review: ‘Deep Hole’ by Don Winslow, performed by Ed Harris


Rating: 4 out of 5.


I will forever hear Ed Harris’ voice when reading a Don Winslow novel from here on out (though, I’ll be honest, I’ve only read Savages because the movie looked interesting. Spoiler: the novel was miles better than the movie, though it had its moment). 

I picked up Deep Hole because I needed something to listen to while I work on my rare book preservation project (it’s not as interesting as it sounds). It was only an hour and change and it’s packed with intense moments, which I’ve come to expect from Winslow’s works (you know, because I only read the one book). Ed Harris’ voice was also a plus side. (It’s also available for free to those with an Audible subscription.) 

Winslow uses his ability to pace the story, spending an hour of our time putting us in the midst of the story without wasting a single second. The story follows two characters: Eddie, a surfer who owes a lot of money to a Godfather-type mob boss, and Chris, the mob boss’s nephew who acts as his bookie. In a short time period, Winslow is able to give us a deep insight on the lives of two characters, the relationships with others in their lives, and with themselves. He sets up a bleak, almost grimy visual in our minds with his description that it’s not different from watching a classic mafia movie. And Ed Harris is the perfect choice for narrator as his voice illustrates the mood and tone of the short story. 

As I wrote this review, I learned that there are a few more Audible Original stories written by Winslow with Harris’ narration that are also available to Audible subscribers. Until next time, keep on huntin’. 


How to Accidentally Settle Down [With Your High School Boyfriend] by Katherine Ryan


Rating: 3 out of 5.

What It’s About:

Follow Katherine Ryan as she navigates us through her life from her high school on-again, off-again boyfriend to being a single mom while building her career as a stand up comic and how life sometimes comes back full circle.

Let’s Talk About It:

I wasn’t certain if this book would be up my alley, but I needed to take a break from the transgirl/femboy fetish erotica that started the year with. What better way than to read a short memoir about finding your way back to the first boy you loved? 

I am unfamiliar with Katherine Ryan’s body of work. And that’s not a slight on women comedians, but a slight against all comedians. However, her style of writing is down to earth and feels conversational. One could almost imagine Katherine sitting across from you at a booth in some cafe, sipping on a latte, while telling you this funny(ish) story about how she met her husband in high school, but wouldn’t marry him until decades later. (Why isn’t this a sitcom, Katherine?!)

Because she is a stand up comedian, there are jokes littered in the book. Not all of them hit their mark for me, pulling me away from the narrative and making me cringe. None of this ruins the overall enjoyment of the story. Her story is familiar, something I imagine a lot of readers can connect with (and not just the women audience because men can experience some of the things written down in these pages. Some, but not all.)

Aside from talking about the ins-and-outs of long term relationships and dating as a single mother, she also dives down on the sexism and misogyny of her profession, listing double standards as she navigates through her life. How to Accidentally Settle Down [With Your High School Boyfriend] is a story of empowerment and how love can actually find you when you’re not actively looking; it’s about settling down without settling for less than you deserve.

This book is free to read through Kindle Unlimited. 

Until next time, keep on huntin’.


How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World

Book Details:

  • Format: Audible Audio
  • Title: How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World
  • Author: Kate Jordan
  • Narrator: Tiffany Morgan
  • Publisher: Audible Studios
  • Genre: Biography & Memoirs (/How-To)
  • Release Date: 31 July 2015
  • Length: 2hrs and 13mins
  • Rating: 3-stars

Product Description:

How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World is not just a catchy title. It’s a promise. Herein contains all the information you need to tuck in your desk chair for the last time. If you dream about exploration and adventure, if your heart croons wanderlust, this guide is for you.

With tips and tricks, Kate will not only help you find your way, but know what to expect. Learn how to find work while you travel; how to be a ski instructor, au pair, tour guide, teacher or travel blogger. Learn about finding places to stay, couches to crash and how to make homes along the way. Learn how to make friends and most importantly, how to be safe and save money for future travel plans.

Gift your skin a life of vast sunsets, it deserves more than your fluorescent office lights. Let Kate help you follow your heart, literally. (via: Amazon, Kindle Edition)


I didn’t know what to expect when I picked up this book from the Audible store. I thought it was a rompy romantic comedy novelette, just something to listen to while I shelve books at work. Didn’t even think it would be a memoir-slash-how-to guide on actually quitting your job and traveling the world.

Despite my last post, I have no intention of quitting my job and traveling the world. Not the traveling world aspect at least. However, this book does offer some good tips for those young enough and still devoid of any responsibility outside of taking care of themselves (no school, family, etc.). It’s short and to the point, offering up resources while also telling you what to look out for when it comes to scams. It also introduces you to the types of employment you can seek while you’re traveling and making sure you get the right visa for your travels and possible employment.

I do recommend this book for those who are willing – and brave enough – to take this step in their lives. However, if you’re listening to the audiobook, I suggest you have something to jot down notes with; I’m sure this is not an issue with the Kindle edition.


Audible launched its unlimited subscription tier Audible Plus last month, which goes for $7.95. Unlike its $14.95 premium plan, this tier doesn’t come with a monthly credit. Instead, subscribers have access to Audible Originals and podcasts. Those with the premium plan also have free access to these carefully curated titles.

How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World is one of the Audible Originals you can listen to with a subscription, no credit needed. However, you can purchase the audiobook or ebook for a low price if you’re not inclined to purchase a subscription to Audible Plus. There’s a MP3 CD edition also available, as well.

I’ll keep my Audible subscription for a while longer; I need something to listen to while I ride this pandemic out at work after all. Until next time, keep on huntin’.

Also see:


The Age Old Question

“Am I depressed because I’m single, or am I single because I’m depressed?” It’s a question I asked way too often.

I started listening to Mark Manson’s Love Is Not Enough. It was free on Audible – meaning it came with my subscription, no credit required to “purchase” – so why not?

It’s been two years since reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck and I wanted to know what Mr. Manson had to say about romance. I recognize a lot of the traits presented in the interviews. From maladaptive daydreaming to grand gestures of affection, I embodied so many terrible habits when it comes to romance.

Photo by bongkarn thanyakij from Pexels

Normally, I wouldn’t put so much emphasis on my singleness. It doesn’t bother me on most days. Not much, anyway. There are moments that, sure, it would be nice to have someone whose shoulder I can rest my head on. There are plenty of times when it might be nice to cuddle up next someone while binge watching whatever new drug-addled TV show I’m watching.

So I’m trying to distract myself from that emptiness. Because my old coping mechanism has failed me – these blog posts and work stuff are the only writing I get done – I’m looking into new ventures.

Window shopping for a new computer for work purposes has become to window shopping for a camera. Specifically this camera: the Sony Alpha a6000 mirrorless digital camera. There’s no rhyme or reason why specifically that camera, but it’s the only one holding my attention.

What will I do with said camera? Well, I have an idea:

The camera isn’t the only venture that’s floating across my mind. A couple of years ago, I also purchased a Blue Yeti microphone.* The idea was starting an audio project; however, the only thing I’ve used the mic for has been work related.

After much conversation, a coworker and I thought of making a podcast together. We worked together with a work project – one I didn’t write, but recorded and mixed – and we seemed to impress people by what we came up with.

I also created an account with ACX with the idea of recording indie audiobooks. However, there’s that fear that arises whenever I think about doing something outside of my comfort zone. What if my voice isn’t that great? I tend to stumble over words often. My voice gets lazy and drags through a sentence. When’s the last time I even tried to enunciate?

And here I am at the beginning again: “Am I depressed because I feel like I’m a failure, or am I failure because I’m depressed?”

*In case you’re wondering, the mic does a wonderful job. While it’s limited – I don’t know how, but a lot influencers have poo-poo’d it – I’ve recorded many a puppet show with this mic without issue. So stop listening to bleach blonde, frosted tipped morons and buy it.

Also see:


Just Another Update

“Laughing” by The Guess Who keeps playing in my head. Before the Joker reveal last week, I only ever heard the song once or twice. Now it’s a goddamn earworm because it works so well with the Joker story. Especially if this origin flick is loosely tied to the Alan Moore graphic novel, The Killing Joke. Here, listen to it:

Shaun spent the night at Jeanna’s last night. This marked the first night in almost two months that he wasn’t with me. These last two months have been strange, foreign, surreal. I’ll get around to talking about it at some point.

I knew there’d come a time when Shaun wouldn’t be living with me full time. Thought I’d be more prepared for this, but habits begin to grow. He’s ruled my home life for several weeks now that going to bed late last night felt unnatural for me. And rather filling my time doing things I normally can’t do when he’s here, I spent most of my time wondering what time he’ll be getting home. It’s strange to say the least.

Last night, Virginia and I had our movie night. We watched Tag and afterward had our usual movie discussion (you can see why I like her, right? Because she’s nerdy enough to hold movie discussions with me rather than just treat a movie as a movie. I mean, how could you not like this girl?). And during those brief pauses of our conversation, all I kept asking myself was, “Is this it? Is this the moment?”

Nothing happened, because I’m the fool in the movie of my life. The sort of character audience yell “Just kiss her already!” at the screen, but nothing comes of it. There’s too much hesitation on my part. I don’t know what’s holding me back. Fear? Ugh. It’s annoying as piss.

Also, my cough isn’t the most attractive quality about me right now. While it’s not due to sickness or anything she can catch, it still screams, “Don’t kiss this dude!”

Who the fuck knows anymore.

Anyway, I’m working on new things. New poetry—well, lyric essays, will begin appearing shortly. I put on “The Letters of Resignation” project on hold due to circumstances (the world shifted, fell over on its side, and left me clinging on to whatever stability that I can), so you’ll get to read the first letter maybe by Spring 2019. There’s also the possibility of working on a radio drama that I’ll post somewhere (I’m still learning about these things especially perfecting my editing, plus distribution, etc.). It might be an adaptation of a skeleton story I have (really bare bones rough draft) or be a wholly new story (who knows, I don’t!). There’s also that, by the way. I’m working on an anthology speculative fiction tale. It’s a trilogy spread across three short stories, novelettes, or novellas. I don’t know what the format will be, but I’m thinking of publishing either on here (zero money for me) or try to find a fan base else where (still zero money for me, but hopefully I build a following that could lead to some money — not really holding my breath there, but one could dream). And I’ll start writing book reviews again, starting with a review of Siphon by A.A. Medina (you should definitely check out the Audible audiobook narrated by the great Ted Brooks — I recognized his voice from somewhere, but I can’t pinpoint where, but I love it and  he’s creepy as fuck!). Great things are coming. I promise that I’ll try.


Of Minimalism & Bullet Journals

I decided to give Audible another go. For my free audiobook, I opted for Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism by Fumio Sasaki (translated by Eriko Sugita). Thought about being a minimalist in the past, but only going as far as following a blog and a Twitter account. I petered out as is my habit. Shit, can’t remember the last time I visited that site before today to link the page. I’m a failed minimalist, a maximalist. It is something of which I am not proud. In short, I collect things. Useless things. Things I use once and put aside.

It’s my intention to read that book again. Or maybe I’ll come around and fix that broken laptop. It’s just the screen, after all. There’s something to be salvaged there, right? That that tower of movies haphazardly placed on top of one of several packed bookshelves, well, I’m sure I’ll come around to watching them again.

And this goes hand in hand with my scatterbrain, I’m sure. That’s why I felt the urge to buy a journal. It’s why I hope that using the bullet journal format will somehow keep me from wandering down the path at random. I hope it’ll keep me focused on my tasks rather than trying to remember what I should be working on.

I learned about the bullet journal on Tumblr, but didn’t understand it until I read about it on a post over at the Programming Librarian. And I hope that not only does this format help at work, but can also help me with writing. I won’t get into detail about what writing ideas (projects?) I have in mind because it’s mostly just talk when I do. Two are creative ideas and the other is inspired by another article I read over at the Programming Librarian website.